Saturday, August 11, 2012


A child's joy is a hug from her teddy bear!

No matter how tattered the little bear is, it is still the most precious thing on earth.

A child does not see new and fragrant...
She sees "time together", caring  and bonding!

A child does not see nice and expensive...
She sees security and sentimentality!!

A child does not see brilliance or wealth... 
She sees innocence and love!

Let us see the world in the eyes of a child...
Not to be marred by external effects like new clothes and shoes and bags!
(Yes, they love this too but on a temporary basis)
But the value of  bonding, security and love!


  1. Lovely poem, Ms. Pinay. I wish I can be as carefree as a child too so I can remember again what's most important in life :)

  2. Along the way, we have to try to remember... although, it is hard with the many other things we adults think about!
